Friday, December 01, 2006

Children's Activity for week of December 3!

You'll need a flashlight.
You'll want to get to a very dark room (maybe a closet or bathroom with no windows, etc.).

Get in the room with your child(ren) and turn the lights off.

Ask the questions to your child: What are you thinking right now? What are you feeling right now?

Tell your child(ren) a story of when you were younger that involved darkness. Being in the dark and having something uncomfortable or scary or maybe bumping into something. Something along those lines.

Turn the flashlight on.

Pose a question to your child(ren): How is having the light on better than being in the dark? Do you feel any different? What are the good things that light does for you that darkness can't?

Ask your child(ren), "How is Jesus like a light?"

Discuss with your child how the world was once "dark" to you. It doesn't have to be detailed or too "deep," just how you were "lost." Talk about how Christ showed you the light. Talk about how Christ is like a light to you.


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